What is Reference-Based Pricing?
Reference-Based Pricing is an innovative approach to healthcare costs. Instead of paying a percentage of billed charges, your health plan sets a “reference price” for specific medical services based on a reasonable amount for that service in your geographic area. This reference price is typically derived from a percentage of Medicare reimbursement rates or other benchmarks.
How Does It Work?
With RBP, your employees can choose any healthcare provider, whether in-network or out-of-network. If they select a provider that accepts the reference price as full payment, they pay their standard copay or coinsurance based on the negotiated rate.

How It Works With Your Health Plan
This framework helps health plans manage costs while giving employees the flexibility to choose providers based on their needs and financial considerations.
Examples of Potential Savings
In these examples, the MRI scan and the blood test illustrate how reference-based pricing affects the total cost to you.
A Winning Strategy for Employers
A Winning Strategy for Employees
Reference-Based Pricing offers a practical solution to rising healthcare costs while empowering your employees to make informed decisions about their care. By implementing RBP, you can potentially save on healthcare expenses while maintaining quality care options for your employees.
Your Trust Representative is available to answer any questions you might have about Reference-Based Pricing. Contact us today.