New Hampshire Health Plans for NARFA Members
Best health plans for businesses in the automotive, roads, fuel, fleet, and related industries.
Fill out the form below to receive more information on how to get started with NARFA today.

Inflation is hitting everything but not 2023 NARFA medical renewal. New Hampshire businesses—Become a member today for access to premium benefits and savings.
NARFA is committed to stability year after year, decade after decade.
When looking for the right health plan for your employees, NARFA has the best health insurance in New Hampshire for the Automotive Industry. Whether you’re running a small automotive business, or large, you can benefit from exclusive NARFA health plans that provide you with freedom to choose your doctor, great access to health care, and unbeatable networks from one of the nation’s largest carriers, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Why should New Hampshire automotive businesses choose NARFA?
NARFA Members have no Health Plan design changes for 2023.
Exclusive Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plans
Unbeatable support
from the NARFA Benefit Center
We handle it all!
Get a free quote and start saving today!