Legislative Update: IRS Releases 2016 Updated Forms 1094 and 1095 ACA Reporting

2023-04-17T12:46:48-04:00October 12th, 2016|2016, Employee Benefits Legislation|

In 2015, new Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) employer reporting requirements relating to the PPACA went into effect. The IRS recently released updated and modified Forms for the 2016 filings that are due in 2017. You may recall from last [...]

ACA Compliance: What Small Businesses Should Expect | NARFA

2023-04-17T12:46:01-04:00February 3rd, 2016|2016, Employee Benefits Legislation|

The Affordable Care Act continues to change the way small business owner approach employee benefits, we can expect more of that in 2016. Since the ACA was passed, there have been countless pieces of legislation requiring small business owners to do much [...]

ACA Update: Could Be Major Win For Small Businesses Providing Health Insurance

2023-04-17T12:42:38-04:00October 2nd, 2015|2015, Employee Benefits Legislation|

The House Sept. 28 passed legislation that would keep the current definition of small group health plans at 50 or fewer employees, thus preventing a major and burdensome part of the Affordable Care Act from taking effect.  Legislation that [...]

ACA Reporting Penalties Increase Due to New Law

2023-04-17T12:42:42-04:00July 11th, 2015|2015, Employee Benefits Legislation|

Increased Penalties Will Apply to Returns & Statements Filed After December 31, 2015 It seems like every week there is a new penalty kicking into play due to the Affordable Care Act affecting businesses throughout America. ACA reporting penalties [...]

Is Obamacare Keeping Small Business From Reimbursing Workers’ Private Health Insurance Costs?

2023-04-17T12:40:46-04:00March 31st, 2015|2015, Employee Benefits Legislation|

Last week, we came across a question: Is Obamacare keeping small business from reimbursing workers' private health insurance costs? The cases of small businesses and the burdens placed on them by the Affordable Care Act are constantly in the [...]

How Does the Affordable Care Act Affect My Federal Income Taxes? ACA Exemptions and What to Know

2023-04-17T12:40:49-04:00February 24th, 2015|2015, Employee Benefits Legislation|

The Affordable Care Act could have an impact on the way you file your income taxes for 2014. If you have already done so, then you know what we’re talking about. If not, listen up: Filing your income tax [...]